The education sector is the main driver for the development and economic and civilizational prosperity of any country.
From this point of view, education had to be quality in all its aspects and the introduction of quality concepts and applications should be reviewed in all educational elements, as the quality of education means “meeting the requirements of educational work and the expectations of students and other stakeholders”, and some even define it as “making education fun and joy”.
The important question is to what extent are the foundations of quality applied in our schools and educational institutions in an integrated methodical manner? How many public or private schools have applied or intend to apply quality methods in their operations? To what extent do school leaders believe in the importance of introducing teaching and best practices? There is no doubt that there are great experiences that exist within the Kingdom, but these good practices remain within the school walls.
The Ministry of Education has made good steps towards activating and implementation the quality system, as the Ministry’s 10-year plan (1425 Ah -1430 H) included a strategic goal towards introducing comprehensive quality systems in education to shift from traditional educational management to one based on comprehensive quality concepts.
In the light of the rapid local, regional and international changes taking place in today’s world, the question arises after this: where are we from all this?