الصفحة الرئيسية Quality Management from Islamic perspective

Quality Management from Islamic perspective

بواسطة admin

(Allah loves that whenever any of you do something, you should perfect it) Narrated by al-Beheqi

" إن الله يُحب إذا عمل أحدكم عملاً أن يُتقـنه " رواه البيهقي

The concept of quality and the quality of work in general is not new to us Muslims, Islam urges us to master the work and calls for improvement, quality and mastery in the work and made for those who improve the work the best punishment in the Holy Quran and many prophetic hadiths, such as saying Almighty ((That is the design of Allah, who has perfected everything. Surely He is All-Aware of what you do)) (An-Nama 88 “the Ants”), and the saying of Almighty Allah (( As for those who believe and do good, We certainly never deny the reward of those who are best in deeds)) (Al-Kahf 30 “the Cave”) and from the hadiths Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him said (Allah loves that whenever any of you do something, you should perfect it) ” narrated by al-Beheqi. This means perfecting your work; therefore, every worker must master his job. At the Saudi Quality Council, we seek to make this site a reference for those interested and seeking Islamic quality and vision, and we look forward to the contributions of others in this field and welcome any topic or lectures to be published on the site so that the benefit prevails.

مختصر من كتاب " فرق التحسين المستمر في نظم الجودة الشاملة " للمهندس أشرف فضيل جمعة

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خطبة الجمعة بعنوان : معيار الإتقان (لفضيلة الشيخ/ سعود الشريم).

خطبة جمعة عن الجودة للأستاذ عبدالله تركستاني.

الجودة والاتقان في الاسلام

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