With over 150 professional activities in the last 15 years, the HIG raising the self-esteem bar
The HIG is one of the Western Region health care community’s pioneers groups devoted to quality in health care services. HIG established under the umbrella of the Saudi Quality Council –WR in 2003 by group of health care providers who have passion to quality and devotion to advance professional volunteering .
HIG Vision
To be among the pioneers in advancing quality culture in health care services derived from our ethical and professional values and social responsibility and have fingerprint in the quality journey of the health care facilities deploying it in the Western region.
HIG Mission
is to continuously spread the quality culture among the health care providers through professional and educational networking, and to exchange knowledge and expertise of quality applications, implementation and certification within the health care community.
HIG Goals are:
1- Raise awareness about the necessity of quality implementation in health care services and facilities.
2- Networking with the health care leaderships, professionals and advocates to advance quality excellence in health care industry and community.
3- Prominent and active presence or participation in professional events to promote quality culture and its applications in health care services.
4- Organize and/or co-sponsor health care quality events with interested parties.
5- Bridging with the public to raise awareness about the quality culture, applications, certifications, rights, and benefits in the health care services offered to them through participation in the social and community activities.
1- Professional Volunteering devotion
2- Considering all health care providers.
3- Team spirit is the drive.
4- Respect diversified cultures & background.
5- Results oriented
البروفيسور محمد باخطمة
King AbdulAziz University Hospital
Surgery Professor & Mentor KAUH
bakhotmah@hotmail.com / 0505642385
د. هاني فتياني
Saudi Geological Survey
Quality Advisor Saudi Geological Survey
fetyani.h@sgs.org.sa / 0505606413
د. محمد الغامدي
National Guard Health Affairs, Primary Health Care
Family Medicine KAMC-WR
GhamdiMS2@ngha.med.sa / 0555777121
السيدة داليا طيبه
King Abdulaziz Medical City - WR
Healthcare Q-Digest Coordinator KAMC-WR
السيد عبدالرحمن قطب
International Medical Center
International Medical Center (IMC)
amqmq@yahoo.com / 0554533161
د. وائل علم
Al Hada Armed Force Hospital
Family Medicine KFMH-CR
dr_wailalam@hotmail.com / 0506535141
د. براء الحاج حسين
د.نشأت نفوري
- Quality in Medical Records Practice
- Quality in Medical Records Practice
- حملة 1000 مدينة في يوم الصحة العالمي من عروس البحر الأحمر 2010
- SQC_PLANT_2009_2010 dated 4 Jan 2010_HIG_Added
- SQC Programs during National Quality of Week
- QH_2006
- HIG_KFH_2010_Quality_Professional_Development_Program_Ad
- 3rd_Quality_Week_2010_HIG_SQC_Scedule
- حملة 1000 مدينة في يوم الصحة العالمي من عروس البحر الأحمر 2010
- SQC_PLANT_2009_2010 dated 4 Jan 2010_HIG_Added
- SQC Programs during National Quality of Week
- QH_2006
- 3rd_Quality_Week_2010_HIG_SQC_Scedule
- HIG_KFH_2010_Quality_Professional_Development_Program_Ad
- Healthcare Quality Digest Final NOV
- First Health care Quality Digest Issue FINAL
- HEALTH INTEREST GROUP 2007 Summary Report
- Health Interest Group Annual Report 2009_2010